Mixed signal SoC, ASIC & CMOS IP Solutions 

UltraPhy is an IC design company offering CMOS mixed signal SoC & ASIC design for wireless communication (mmWave & IoT Sensors) and automotive applications. Ultraphy also develops CMOS RFIC and analogue IP.


Ultraphy has developed innovative and challenging CMOS IP designs with  blue-chip partners for range of application. We have a track record of delivering first time silicon for new designs with high yeild in number of areas (Automotive, mission critical health sensors, broad band wireless). 


With colabrative design approach we assess feasibility of custom IP design vs accessable high quality partner's IP for ongoing projects. 


Engineering Design Services 

Ultraphy regularly engages in projects for CMOS IC design:

CMOS Analog & Mixed Signal IC Design
RFIC Design


Technical Expertise

Experience and access to wide variety of deep sub-micron CMOS process technologies
Strong partnerships with key semiconductor foundries
State of the art EDA 



CMOS IP Design Services

Please download Ultraphy brochure for more details  on IP development and design services available!